tim3 to party


✮ writer ✮ narrative designer ✮ freelancer ✮


  • giuliana

  • she/her (he/him ok)

  • 30+ y/o . birthday jan 20

  • writer (original + transformative + narrative design)

➵commission info

  • all prices listed are in USD.

  • all commissions require a deposit, which will be discussed at time of commissioning. deposit will be refunded if I am unable to complete the work.

Rate Per Word Count:

  • $35 USD/1000 WORDS + $1.50/100 WORDS, rounded to the nearest 100.

For example, a 3475 word fic, will cost $112.50.(3000 words + 500 words) => ($35 x 3) + ($1.50 x 5)
($105) + ($7.50) = $112.50

You may request an upper limit. If you’re worried about suddenly ending up with a 10,000 word fic you can't pay for, just tell me you don’t want to go over a certain length/word count and I'll make sure to keep your fic within those boundaries.

Fixed Amounts:

  • FICLETS (1500 words or less) = $30 each

  • LONG FICS (10,000+ words) = $350+ each (+$30 for every 1k past 10,000, rounded down)

Prices for long fics may vary depending on wordcount, but the minimum charge for any fic with a baseline of 10,000 words or more is $350. This is to account for the extra time spent editing, as I generally require more time to edit longer fics.

Extra Fees:

Depending on your commission, additional fees may be charged. Not all commissions will incur these fees.

  • ORIGINAL CHARACTERS = +$20 - $40, depending on amount of reference available. If there is a lot of reference material, the price will be lowered.

  • REVISION FEE = +$30 after the first 2 rounds of edits/revisions. Your first 2 rounds of edits/revisions are free.


I am willing to write NSFW, hardcore kink, soft kink, Weird Shit, gratuitous violence, and anything you can think of... but due to personal preference, I would prefer not to write the following:

  • Loli/shota

  • Scat kink

  • RPF (Real People Fiction)

My limits do not necessarily reflect any of my opinions on the above subject matter. They are simply in place out of personal preference and protection.I reserve the right to refuse any commissions or requests even if they do not include any of the above limits.


I accept payment via PayPal.While previously I only requested payment after commissions were completed, I now require a deposit in advance, meaning I will ask for a portion of the price upfront.Once the fic is finished, I will ask for the rest of the payment. If for some reason I am unable to complete the commission, I will refund the initial deposit. If you cancel the commission, however, the initial payment will not be returned.All info for payment transfer will be given once the commission is accepted.If PayPal doesn’t work for you or you’re worried about fees, we can discuss other methods of payment as well.

➵commission status

As I've often got quite a heavy workload, I've decided to limit the number of commissions I take on by opening slots.Slots are reserved and claimed on a first-come-first-served basis. You can claim a slot (or reserve a spot on the waitlist if all slots are full/commissions are closed) by DMing me via twitter or by e-mailing me at [email protected], both of which are linked in the icons below.



NOTICE: Commissions are closed indefinitely, but may be taken on in a case-by-case basis. Please DM for inquiries.*slots will open again once all current commissions are complete.
Please DM me to inquire about commissions.

Oneshot Commission Slots:

  • 1. CLOSED

  • 2. CLOSED

  • 3. CLOSED

Kinktober Commissions:


  • 2022 Spreadsheet/Tracker: HERE

  • 2021 Spreadsheet/Tracker: HERE

Other Projects:

  • A King's Trust: A Claudevain collab fic with the1eyedtree - ONGOING

  • Memory of the Last Star - ONGOING

➵Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve gotten a few questions about stuff regarding commissions and timing and kinks, so I figured it would be prudent to put the answers to those (and a bunch of possible follow-up questions) here to make things as clear as possible for people.This doesn’t mean I won’t still answer questions though! Please feel free to keep asking me things so I can keep this list updated. :)

What are your current fandoms?

I'm in a lot of fandoms, but I'm most active in, talk about, and write for:

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes

  • Fire Emblem (6-10, 13, Heroes, and Three Houses)

  • Zero Escape

  • Kingdom Hearts

  • Homestuck

  • Overwatch

Why are your commissions priced the way they are? What goes into your prices?

Put simply, when you pay for a commission, you're not only paying for the words you see on the page. First of all, you're paying for me, a professional writer, to write your fic.You're paying for the time I spend writing your fic, the time I spend doing research, the time I spend brainstorming, every round of edits I do, and most importantly, you're paying for the amount of skill and knowledge I've developed both as a hobbyist and as a professional writer.That's also why I charge more for OC commissions: they require extra time spent brainstorming, researching, and editing.

Why do you charge additional fees for Original Characters (OCs)?

The short answer: They require more time, since I don't have source material to look at.The long answer: Writing fanfiction means I can go back and check the source material anytime I want in order to fact check settings, character voices, relationships, etc. If I don't have an abundance of source material, it means I'm doing more work to craft and create characters, so I charge according to how much additional work writing original characters will give me.

What if I have lots of samples of my OCs? Can I get a discount?

I do decrease my OC charges based on how many sources I'm provided with, but it really depends on the samples.Try to give me writing samples, especially of the character(s) you want me to write speaking. Those are the sources that are most helpful to me (and take some of the burden of character creation off).On the other hand, if you have no samples at all, I may need to charge more, just because I'm essentially creating the characters' personality. Think of it like artists charging more to help design your character - it's the same thing!

What's the average time it takes you to finish a commission? What do your fic priorities look like?

It really depends on the length. Shorter fics (~2-3k) usually take at least two weeks, and longer commssions (4k+) often take at least a month. Multichapter commissions I typically try to complete one chapter per month until the entire fic is finished.Other factors come into play too, such as other projects I have going on at the time or whatever happens to have the most pressing deadline.If you need your commission in a rush, just let me know what your deadline is and/or when you need your fic by. I'll do my best to get your commission to you on time, and if I don't think I can feasibly do it, I'll make sure to let you know so you can find someone else.

I want to commission you but i can't afford it. do you have any alternatives if i want you to write something for me?

You can always reserve a commission slot for when you're able to afford it. If you need something in a rush, however, then please message me to let me know and we can work something out, such as a payment plan or a delayed payment.

Your commissions are closed. Can I still contact you about them?

Yes! You can contact me about commissions any time, even if they're currently closed. If they're closed, we can talk about reserving a slot for you, and when I reopen we can discuss the potential commission again and finalize details... or cancel entirely, if you've changed your mind or found someone else! I promise I won't be mad.

Will you write [x] kink?

Probably. I’m down to write just about any kink as long as it’s not loli/shota, scat/watersports or RPF.Things I have been asked about that I have already said OK to or have written before:

  • BDSM

  • Noncon/Dubcon

  • Suspension

  • Sex Pollen

  • Hypnotism

  • Futanari

  • Tentacles

  • Cuckolding

  • Knotting

  • Vomit/Emetophilia

  • Xenophilia

  • Monsterfucking

  • Furries/Anthro

  • Poly/Three+somes

  • Original Characters

  • Trans characters (incl. smut)

  • Age gaps (incl. between teenagers and adults)

  • Underage between two underage characters (EXCEPT for lolicon/shotacon)

Feel free to ask about other things, though. I’ll try to keep this list updated as much as possible.

I have an idea I want to commission from you, but I can't decide the character(s)/ship. Can I give you a list and have you choose for me?

Yes! Feel free to send me your prompt alongside a list of characters or ships. I can choose for you, or we can talk about what would work best for your prompt. You can also just give me a single character and ask me to choose the ship without providing me a lots of options - just make sure you make it clear what you don't want me to do, so I don't write your NOTP by mistake!

I sent you a request/commission but you didn't respond to it. should i send it again?

The best way to contact me is through Twitter or Discord, because I'm most likely to see those messages.If you sent me a commission request through e-mail and I don't respond within a week, PLEASE re-send the e-mail or contact me through Twitter or Discord (tim3hopp3r#5962). Sometimes e-mails get eaten or sent to spam without me noticing.If it was a request sent through Tumblr, I tend to leave those in my inbox to post with the filled request later. If you're really worried, send it again and I'll respond to the duplicate message that I got your prompt.Please keep in mind that free requests are low on my priorities list. It’ll likely take some time to get to them.

Are you open to fic/art trades?

Yes! I love doing trades, they're so much fun! Contact me to let me know what you have in mind, but I'd be happy to write a fic in exchange for another fic or some art.

Do you do Zines?

Not unless they're for-profit zines, I'm getting paid to do them, or I'm invited as a guest writer.I love zines! I think they're excellent! I just don't have the spare time to do them, unfortunately, unless I'm going compensated or I'm really passionate about the subject matter.Feel free to invite me to participate in one, though (even if it's not for profit)! I love being invited on as a guest. I'll almost definitely say yes.

Have you been in any Zines?

Yes! I've been in a handful for My Hero Academia and a few for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. In total I've done about seven zines.

Can I collaborate with you?

Yes! I'm happy to do fic/art collabs or co-write fics. I've done a few in the past and I'd love to do more. Please DM me on twitter to talk collabs, or if you don't have twitter, an e-mail will do!

Do you accept tips?

Yes! You can tip me using my Ko-Fi, which can be found here (or by clicking/tapping the little coffee cup below)! Thank you ♥